What is an ISP or Internet Service provider and why is it important for a Full Web Stack Developers

Luigi Bungaro
2 min readFeb 19, 2020

The ISP, or Internet Service Provider is a company that provides customers with Internet access.

When we browse the Web with our computer, we search for a web page with an url (text) that contains a specific domain name (for example www.google.com).

This url is sent to the DNS Server that contains all the associations of urls and Internet addresses (the address of www.google.com is

The flow is:

  1. We are sending request with url to the ISP
  2. The ISP is sending request to DNS Server and get back the internet address. With the Internet address we are able to connect to Google website and receive the files (HTML, CSS, Javascript) to visualise it. Below you can see the schema:
Connection to Google website through Internet address and receiving the files

If we want we could use directly the Internet addresses in the browser, having the same results, but it is definitely easier remember google.com than Isn’t it?

So the informations travels from our computer to the server where the website is hosted and this is made…



Luigi Bungaro

Management Engineer passionate about Management, Innovation, DataScience, Digital Marketing, AI, Strategy, Technology, Innovation, Python and Data Science